Four tips on how to build a buzz around your business

You’ve got a solid brand and an optimised website all fired up and ready to go. You’re satisfied that the pages of your website strongly represent your business and its values, and you’re confident that your audience can easily navigate it, find what they’re looking for and want to invest in you… 

So why is it not converting?

When creating a brand for people to connect and invest in, you are in fact establishing a relationship, and like in every healthy relationship, success all comes down to trust and communication.

Here are my top tips on how to take your online presence from stagnant to unstoppable.      


Your website is alive – now give it a personality.

Treat your online presence as a living, breathing extension of your business. A brand ambassador that is engaging, responsive, advocative and interesting. It’s not about the static pages of a website, it’s about the experience of your brand.

Ask yourself, what experience do I want my audience to have when interacting with my business?


A recent study into consumer behaviour tells us that the quality of a company’s engagement is as important as the quality of the product or service they are buying. Your online presence should be a resource to your audience.

As your fresh and value-driven content begins to flow out your website, engagement will flow in. Social interactions, shares and expansion naturally occurs and with that, your consumer community is established.  

Put so much value into your content that your audience is inspired to come back time and time again.


Today’s consumer values personalisation and connectivity more than ever before. This means that your audience wants you to know them, to understand their needs and predict their ever changing preferences.   

Seems like an impossible feat? 

Not so.

With regenerating content attracting traffic, you can fine tune your website’s listening skills with analytics. By knowing what works – and more importantly, what doesn’t work – you can develop a true understanding of your audience and direct your content accordingly.

Careful though; data privacy is also of utmost importance for online consumers. Which leads me on to the final, and perhaps most important piece of the puzzle…


Did you know that 92% of consumers visiting a website for the first time aren’t there to buy? To invest in you, your customers need to know you’ve got their back. Trust is a key factor in driving engagement and, especially, loyalty.

It’s a paradox, while consumers want personalisation, they value privacy and don’t want to be treated as a number. But if you deliver value and be transparent about how their data is being used to provide a better experience for them, your customers are vastly more likely to trust you.

Remember, building trust takes time, consistency and patience. You’ve got this!

If you want to start getting your website to work for you, contact me for a consultation. 

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